Our Horses

Kentucky Mountain Horse
The horse for whom our farm is named, Fancy is fine leading a ride or riding anywhere in the group. A retired broodmare, Fancy takes a motherly approach to riding and is “kid friendly” and rides adults as well.

Tennessee Walking Horse
Known to us as the “boss mare” tootsie is a super fun horse—forward yet responsive—Tootsie does great with beginners and experienced riders alike.

Tennessee Walker
Kinsley is a medium speed mare and a very sweet horse. She has carried many first time riders and multiple special-needs riders.

Paso Fino
This gelding has been featured in a Greta Van Fleet music video called “Meeting the Master.” He rides with the confidence of a celebrity and is a favorite of some of our long-time customers.

Rocky Mountain Horse
Starter is our youngest yet slowest customer horse. He is a favorite of dads, kids and inexperienced riders. If he were a person, he’d live in Jamaica, hanging out on the beach listening to Bob Marley.

Tennessee Walker/Rocky Mountain cross
A very quiet, sweet boy. He takes very good care of adults with limited riding experience.

Spotted Saddle horse
The newest addition to our herd—he’s an excellent experienced trail horse who is small, stocky and very sure footed.

Spotted Saddle horse
Stryker is our lead horse and rides exclusively with Kimberely—he has guided many rides with great athleticism and spirit! He knows there is more to life than being really, really ridiculously good looking.

Charlie Brown
Tennessee Walker
Charlie is an alternate lead/end horse—he is a very handsome, sweet, sensitive and athletic gelding and is very experienced on the trail.

Mountain Horse
As one of our younger horses, Ace works on the trails frequently. Low and slow, Ace knows his job, which is following the next horse!

Spotted Saddle Horse
When Yoakam first came to us, he battled fiercely with asthma. Now on medication and under control, he’s building up his lung capacity and a fan club—he’s a great ride!

Mule (Horse + Donkey)
Cash is a highly experienced guide mule. If you ride with us on the weekends, you’ll likely see Cash leading your group! Cash is a celebrity and has starred in two Tyler Childers music videos.